About Us

    The inception of establishing a giant private water resource development company goes back to 2012GC while the major shareholder of the company was pursuing his master’s degree in Arba Minch University. The idea at that time was establishing a leading water works consultancy company in the horn of Africa in collaboration with seven senior lecturers at Arba Minch university. The consultancy business couldn’t continue well for some reason, mainly due to conflict of interest among the founding members. Later, the initiator of the venture and the current CEO brings an idea of changing the consultancy business into construction and machinery rental business which are in line with his real time business experiences in another sister company. Since then, we have grown in leaps and bounces to become Hydroplane Groups, an amalgamation of businesses in water works, building and road construction, real estate, export, import, mining, tourism, logistics transport, and more.  

    Maintaining a strong and liquid business firm is an obvious challenge not only in Ethiopia, but also elsewhere in the world. Despite the odds, hard work and determination pays off, and we are proud to serve our customers and community at large with the same vigor and attitude every day.

    In view of minimizing potential business risks, we are maximizing our business portfolio by conveniently diversifying our ventures. Thus, in addition to the water, building and road construction and machinery rental sectors, we are entering into a lot of other business sectors. Through our sister companies Pinnacle coffee export, we export Ethiopian specialty coffee to the world market; Yooyyaa Motors imports vehicles; Madonia Tours provide tour, travel and car rental services, Yayyaa Transport provides logistic and transport services, Shato Real Estate builds state of the art residential and business apartments. Furthermore, we have currently embarked into the mining industry with an active coal mining site in Benishangul Gumuz national regional state, few kilometers away from Arjoo Guddattu town. Gold and marble mining is also on feasibility study.

    We are very grateful to our loyal business partners, clients and customers over the years. Without them, none of our achievements are possible. We hope to continue to grow together to a more prosperous future.

    Our primary business remains to be water works development not only because of the return we get from it but also serving our society with our primary profession gives us satisfaction.

“Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes – one for peace and one for science.”  (John F. Kennedy)